Oh, Australia… Never stop doing what you are doing when it comes to producing some of the sexiest babes on the planet. It’s almost like they made some sort of deal with the gods of hotness where they will produce nothing but Hemsworth brothers and women who are arguably the caliber of good looking that makes you blush and forget your name like Margot Robbie, but they have to deal with gigantic spiders, snakes, crocodiles, and unbearable heat waves. Smash cut to Jessica Kuhn, who is one of the gorgeous Aussie’s that you would slash your way through a mile of giant spider webs just to catch a glimpse of her! Also, she seems like the kind of girl who would help you fight off the said army of sentient and organized spiders and their allies, the giant poisonous snakes, because she comes from there and probably smooshes bugs for all her wimpy American boyfriends, like us… Either way you put it, she is adorable and new to the scene with only one credit to date in the Radha Mitchell starring indie flick out of the Land of Oz, Celeste (2018). Jessica doesn’t give us much to work with in her lone credit with limited screen time, but we do get to see her get eaten out by an older gentleman in the woods and it’s enough to get you to do a double take on this bombshell brunette who is bound to be a staple in Aussie cinema moving forward. Hopefully she keeps the credits rolling in and the clothes coming off because we simply can’t get enough of that scene and rewinding only works so many times before you need to start using that pesky imagination of yours. So Jessica simply needs to put out more content and help us kill some spiders around our place… They really scare us, so hold us, Jessica.